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Four Reasons to Invest in Your QAPI Program Now

To achieve QAPI success, it is crucial to expand QAPI beyond your quality team and engage your entire organization. By doing so, QAPI becomes less of a compliance requirement and more of a way of life. This positions your organization better for value-based purchasing, enhances patient outcomes, and enables better data-driven decisions, while also freeing up staff to concentrate more on operations and patient care.  Here are the top four benefits of a successful QAPI program:

1.    Higher performance:  In addition to influencing star ratings, your quality scores play a vital role in value-based purchasing incentives. This means that your QAPI program is directly linked to reimbursement. The better your scores, the higher your reimbursement.

2.    Patient safety and satisfaction:  By quickly identifying and addressing areas for improvement, especially in Perception of Care, you can enhance patient satisfaction scores, which, in turn, lead to higher CAHPS scores.

3.    Constant survey readiness: A well-organized, successful QAPI program acts as a leading indicator of how a survey will go. Being prepared and having your entire staff on board with your QAPI program demonstrate to surveyors that QAPI is an essential part of your organizational culture, setting a positive tone for the survey.

4.    Staff retention: A more engaged staff that spend less time on busy work and more time on patient care is more likely to be satisfied in their roles and less likely to leave.  Involving front line staff in solving the very issues confronting them encourages buy in and engagement.

Click here to download our webinar tip sheet of the five things you can do today to unlock the benefits of QAPI for your organization.